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Literature related to COVID-19

  • CiNii Articles

    CiNii Articles is a database service provided by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), and it searches data on academic papers published in academic societies' journal publications, universities' research bulletins, papers included in the Periodicals Index Database of the National Diet Library, etc. The link above is the search results of keywords related to COVID-19.

  • CiNii Books

    CiNii Books is a service that allows you to search for data on books (books, magazines, etc.) held by university libraries in Japan. It allows you to search for book data of about 10 million titles (totalled over 100 million books) held in 1200 university libraries and author data of about 1.5 million authors, which are accumulated in the online cataloguing system (NACSIS-CAT) operated by the National Institute of Informatics (NII). The link above is the search results of keywords related to COVID-19.

  • PubMed

    PubMed is a database operated by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and it contains the bibliographic data (title, author name, journal title, abstracts, etc.) of MEDLINE and other journals in the field of life sciences. The literature that publish the full text for free are linked to the site that provides the full text. The link above takes you to a special page set up by the NIH for the search results of keywords related to COVID-19.

  • PubMed Central: PMC

    PubMed Central (PMC) is a digital archive for literature published in journals in the fields of biomedicine and life sciences operated by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The link above is a special page that allows you to search by focusing on the literature related to COVID-19 and coronavirus.

  • Europe PMC

    Europe PMC is a collection of open literature in the field of life sciences provided by Europe EMBL-EBI. In collaboration with PMC and repositories around the world, it publishes bibliography and preprint information as well as papers. The above link is the COVID-19 related literature link located on its home page.

  • NBDC Blog

    NBDC Blog is a blog content for the field of life sciences and database integration provided by the National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) of Japan Science and Technology Agency. In March 2020, the search results of resources in the field of life sciences were released under the title "Research Data Resources on New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)". Since then, it has been continuously updated.

  • National Diet Library Research Navi

    Research Navi is a collection site for research methods by theme and related links provided by the National Diet Library (NDL). The link above integrates and publishes a collection of websites of publishers, medical institutions, academic societies and newspaper publishers, libraries' efforts, and notices and notifications from Japanese government ministries, etc. regarding the new coronavirus. It also collects statistical data and survey methods on topics such as "how to investigate the effects of the new coronavirus on industries and labour relations."

  • Information page for the new coronavirus

    This page provides information on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) published by the National Institute of Health Sciences. It covers information on COVID-19 vaccines and drug candidates, descriptions of COVID-19 diagnostic primer cross-reactivity analysis system, international trends in large-scale antibody testing, and food safety-related information provided by national and international institutions.

  • Information on important infectious diseases including COVID-19 in Japan

    This page publishes documents such as statements and recommendations on important infectious diseases in Japan that are produced by the Science Council of Japan. It also provides information on official materials related to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan, which can be difficult for international researchers to access.

  • PubAnnotation

    This is a repository of literature annotation that is made available by DBCLS. In particular, it integrates annotations for PubMed. At the link, you can annotate and browse the full-text data of CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset).